St George International

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Accredited by the British Council
Accredited by the British Council

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Giovanna Del Nunzio
Sales Executive
10 Great Turnstile,
London WC1V 7JU,
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7299 1700
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About Us

At SGI we believe that communication between nations fosters greater understanding and that the English language is an important life skill. SGI was founded in central London almost 60 years ago. Since the early days, we have always worked with determination to maintain high standards of academic delivery and welfare for our students.
Our school on the corner of Lincoln's Inn Fields in Holborn is the perfect place to improve your English and explore the city.

From a simple idea almost sixty years ago, we have since welcomed thousands of language learners and trainee teachers from all over the world. Welcome to SGI, where you can be sure to have an excellent English course in London. Select from General English and Business English courses, or from IELTS and Academic courses in London.

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