ETC International College
CAE Preparation Course
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Accommodation Homestay / Residence / Hotel
Price Range £160.00 per week - £170.00 per week
Price Includes
Beginners Not for beginners
Class Size 14 maximum
Course Length 1 weeks - 47 weeks
Town / City & Region Bournemouth , South Central England
Tuition Style Group
Tuition Hours Per Week 15.0
Ages 16 - 99
Course Type Examinations
Other Information
This course helps students to prepare for the CAE exam by consolidating their language skills and giving additional practice in the systems of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Students will learn about the CAE exam itself and the kind of exam questions and tasks that they will have to complete to achieve their target score.
The CAE exam is developed by Cambridge ESOL - one of three major exam boards which form Cambridge Assessment Group (Cambridge Assessment). Cambridge Assessment, a not-for-profit department of the University of Cambridge, is Europe’s largest assessment agency. More than 8 million Cambridge Assessment exams are taken in over 150 countries around the world every year.
The exam gives an in-depth assessment of your ability and fluency at level C1/C2. This is the unparalleled qualification to prove that you have mastered English. You are well-placed in dealing with complicated academic and professional tasks in English.
Successfully completing the ETC International College preparation course for the CAE empowers you to:
- follow any academic course at university level
- communicate effectively at managerial and professional level
- participate with confidence in workplace meetings or academic tutorials and seminars
- carry out complex and challenging research
- stand out and differentiate yourself from other students / job candidates / employees.
Reading: 1 hour 15 minutes
Shows you can deal confidently with different types of text.
Writing: 1 hour 30 minutes
Requires you to be able to write a variety of different items; such as essays, proposals, reports and reviews.
Use of English: 1 hour
Tests your ability to use the right words, tenses and idioms in the right situation, at the right time.
Listening: 40 minutes
Requires being able to follow and understand a range of spoken materials; such as lectures, speeches and interviews.
Speaking: 15 minutes
Tests your ability to communicate effectively in face-to-face situations. You will take the test with one or two other candidates.
The CAE is a high-level exam for those who need to combine their knowledge of the English language with fluency and sophistication. Candidates receive a Statement of Results showing how they performed in each of the 5 papers: Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening and Speaking.
Exceptional candidates taking Cambridge English: Advanced sometimes display ability beyond the C1 level. To recognise this, candidates achieving Grade A will receive a Cambridge English: Advanced certificate at Level C2. Candidates achieving Grades B and C at Cambridge English: Advanced will receive certificates at Level C1. Reaching this level reflects your commitment to high standards and your passion for English.
This qualification is accredited by Ofqual, the regulator of qualifications, examinations and assessments in England.
Built into every student’s course are the following:
Placement test. This is designed to enable us to gauge the approximate level of a student and to place him or her in a class along with other students of similar ability. The CAE exam preparation course is run at advanced level, so students will need to demonstrate that they can score approximately 70% or more in the ETC placement test for entry to our CAE exam preparation course.
Needs analysis. This is used to find out what students need and would like to learn on their course, and also what further / higher education course (if any) they would like to take on completion of their CAE exam preparation course.
Skills development. Development of the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking through meaningful practice.
Task-based activities designed to improve fluency, such as discussions, pair and group work, roleplays, problem-solving, and so on, so that they will be ready for the interview section of the CAE test.
Systems work. Focus on and consolidation of the systems of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation for the CAE test. Students will learn and use new language forms and vocabulary through practice in contemporary, realistic, everyday situations, similar to those that they will be examined on in the CAE test itself.
Supportive error correction and constructive feedback.
Learner skills development. We aim to teach students effective ways of learning, from efficient note-taking to ways of storing and activating vocabulary. In particular, we would aim to encourage students to use self-access resources, such as the library, DVD / video room, listening materials, CD-Roms, the Internet and so on.
Progress tests. These are designed to show us how well a student is learning new forms and vocabulary, and how well he or she is able to apply new skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Tutorials. To provide two-way feedback, so that teachers can pass on hints, tips and advice on how best to study, as well as address any problems shown up by student's performance in class and in their progress tests. At the same time, students can ask for help in areas that are particularly important for them.
Homework. An essential part of every student’s course – consolidates classwork and provides extra practice in the skills and systems.
Academic counselling. Distinct from the tutorials programme, the academic counselling that we provide aims to maximize every student’s potential, so that he or she could:
* Transfer to another course at ETC, such as an English for Special Purposes course.
* Apply to go on to study at a college or university in an English-speaking country.
* Seek work in an English-speaking environment (where visa regulations allow this).
Preparation for other external examinations.
* Where possible, we would like to help every student to prepare for an external examination, so that he or she will be able to return home with an internationally-recognized qualification.
For more information about the CAE exam, visit the official Cambridge website:
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