Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE)
Management in Language Teaching
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Accommodation Homestay / Residence
Price Range £796.00 per week
Price Includes Course fees, accommodation, social programme
Beginners Not for beginners
Class Size 16 maximum
Course Length 2 weeks
Town / City & Region Norwich , Eastern England
Tuition Style Group
Tuition Hours Per Week 25.0
Ages 18 - 65
Course Type Teachers
Other Information
All of our teacher development courses are eligible for ERASMUS+ funding
Who is the course suitable for?
- Managers of English language teaching (ELT) schools, institutions and departments
- Managers working on ELT and other educational projects
- Inspectors and advisors working in the area of ELT
- Teachers and senior teachers who have (or will soon have) management responsibilities
- Participants with a minimum language level corresponding to B2/C1 on the Common European Framework
What are the aims and objectives of the course?
To enable participants to:
- reflect on and raise their awareness of important aspects of management, especially management in education
- develop specific management competences relevant to their own positions
- work with fellow professionals from a range of educational settings and countries on issues and tasks in educational management and the management of English language teaching operations
What will the course include?
All course participants receive a pre-course questionnaire, which must be returned prior to the course. This is to ensure that the areas of most relevance to participants are covered. The main focus areas are likely to include:
Organisational structures, cultures and systems; the nature of leadership and management; individuals and organisations; managing change and innovation |
Staff recruitment procedures; recruitment & selection procedures; meetings and internal communications; staff development; teacher development; observation and feedback; performance management and appraisal; managing conflict |
Programme development and management; the curriculum and syllabuses; student admission and placement; timetabling and schemes of work; managing teaching / learning materials and resources; managing assessment and testing; student counselling; record-keeping |
Planning for quality; establishing standards; monitoring and evaluation; feedback systems; client satisfaction procedures; assessment, inspection and accreditation |
Marketing in education; market analysis and segmentation; brands and market presence; market and product development; promotion and sales; customer relations management |
business plans; budgets, forecasts and financial reports; cost control; reporting; business information systems |
Most time is likely to be spent on the first four of these areas.
Time will be built into the course for reflection and for participants to consider how to adapt ideas from the course to their own context.
All NILE’s courses involve a significant element of English language improvement and/or development of language awareness.
How long is the course and what approach is used?
The 50-hour course provision includes intensive tuition by trainers who are experts in the fields of ELT and educational management, as well as opportunities for reading and research and guest lectures from well-known figures in the field of ELT.
Classes will be practical and ‘hands-on’ but with reference to relevant theory.
Classes are held from Monday to Friday and take place as detailed in the course-specific timetable but always within the hours 0915 – 1715.
NILE course participants have free access to an extensive ELT library and a modern suite of computers with a broadband Internet link. The NILE course venues have a wireless (Wi-Fi) environment.
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